Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Conducting a Questionaire

25 age range as they are the main cinema audience and they are who we would be aiming our noir towards. She also asked people aged 40, 28 and 14 to see if our film would appeal to a wider audience range as well. My job was to analyse the results and below is a table showing what I found out explaining how the information we gained from each question was useful to us.

We will attempt to incorporate our findings when creating our opening sequence to make it more appealing to our target audience of people aged between 15 and 25. The question about black and white films (question 2) will be particularly useful when we are in the editing suit and are choosing to add any effects to our film. Our results show that black and white films aren’t a popular choice and that they would turn off/over the TV if they saw one was on. Our role in creating our title sequence is to get people to stay tuned in and watch on to resolve the enigma(s), but if our audience would choose not to watch it just because it was in black and white, then perhaps we shouldn’t add that effect. Question number 5 also proved interesting with the results as it shows how people can be interested and ‘hooked’ in a film opening even if there isn’t any music to accompany it. We will still use music in our opening piece as we feel it’s the key to creating the right noir atmosphere, though it is useful to know that we won’t be turning away our audience if we chose to have loud sound effects, plain speech or dead silence instead. Although the resuls we gained were useful, there were still some things we could have done to gain even better results. Firstly we could have asked a bigger sample of people to gain more accurate results with defined replies on each question. However, I think the outcome would still contain similar results, and wouldn’t be of any further use to us. Also, we could have more questions requiring a more detailed answer (open questions) to gain more feedback from each person we gave the questionnaire to. But they may not have been as keen to fill it out if they had noticed how detailed it was. Overall, I am pleased with the results we discovered as they’ll be very useful to us in the future

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Anamatic for Shadows Present

This is our anamatic the storyboard, sound and the putting together of it was all done by Chris our cinematographer.

The anamatic influced me especially with music because it sounds like a film noir and also it upbeat which makes more interesting.

Storyboard for our film noir opening

This storyboard is the oard we are going to follow for our camerawork for our film noir opening. It was made by Chris(our director) also Chris made an anamatic which we used the storyboard for as well.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Treatment for M-E-S for our film noir opening

I have discussed with my group my M-E-S treatment and they all agreed it was fine so here it is;

Man running in the flashback is going to be set in the back of our college, at a park called ‘Alexandra park’ we choose this place for exterior scene because it has a lot of trees and it would be good if it was sunny as you would be able to see a shadow through the trees for our silhouette man. Also you do not get many outside noises and not many people go down there so it would not be a problem when we have to come to edit to get rid of the diegetic sound. When the man is sitting in the room we have chosen the studio in our college because it’s very dark and a good place to give out shadows and it would be very effective for our venation blind effect.

Both times exterior and interior we our going to have our main man who is running to be wearing wrinkled clothes and black clothes and a little stubble on his chin because it shows that this man is in his late teens and he is not experienced in making rational decisions in life.The shadow is just a black figure so it does not require a lot of costume but my plan was that we get the actor who is playing him to dress all in black and not put any light on him to make him more silhouette.

When we come to the interior (man in the room) it is going to be darkness and then it has a few seconds of the venation blind effect over his face. When we cut to the flashback then comes back every time we come back to the room it gets lighter. This shows that he figuring something out which is that the silhouette has been watching him all this time.When it is exterior in the park we are going to use natural daylight on the man running but with the shadow we will need some lighting so that we can put a shadow effect on him on the ground so that it appears that the shadow is bigger and more powerful then this man.

In the beginning when we see the man in the room his facial expressions is relieved to show that he has just gotten away from something and he escaped. But when we go in and out of the flashbacks you see his face getting more anxious and nervous.At the ending when he is in the room you see his face relaxed and clamed then there is a lose up of his eyes which seem scared and nervous like he has released something.

A desk (available at college)
A chair at the desk (available at college)
A angle desk lamp (available at college)
A fan (for the desk, available at college)
A black folder, a pad of paper, a few Biro pens and a mobile phone (to decorate the desk)
2x large brown envelope packages (1 to use and 1 spare)
A drinking glass and water
A fake knife and a fake gun
2x black & white photos of our main character walking, and a paperclip to hold them together
An A5 black notebook with a date in it
A magazine cut-out collage of a nameless address and phone number
A fake ice-cube (or real ice from the college cafe if they have any)
A piece of paper with 'Shadows Present' handwritten in bold onto it
The main character's costume and the shadow man's costume (as described above)